November 18, 2022
Focus's Chief Planning Officer Jeffrey Levine Named 2022 ThinkAdvisor Luminary Thought Leader
As Focus Partners’ Chief Planning Officer, Jeffrey Levine has an alphabet of professional certifications behind his name. Now he can add another noteworthy accomplishment - ThinkAdvisor Luminaries 2022 Thought Leadership & Education award.
Jeffrey was judged on his impact on his firm and the industry, ingenuity, personal commitment to the highest standards, dedication and other criteria.
We are grateful Jeffrey became part of the Focus family in 2020. His insights, devotion, leadership and knowledge are vital components in our commitment to provide the best care for our clients.
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The Top Luminaries is an independent listing produced annually by ThinkAdvisor. The awards are based on both qualitative and quantitative results of the nominee’s impacts on the firm, its advisors and the broader professional community and industry in the previous 12 months. A description of the nominee's dedication to development in the industry and advisors as well as their personal commitment to the highest ethical standards, service and excellence. For a full description of the criteria click here.
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This article is for general information only and is not intended to serve as specific financial, accounting or tax advice. Focus Partners® and Focus Strategic Partners®, collectively Focus Partners, are not affiliated with ThinkAdvisor. Focus Partners is not compensated for participating in the ThinkAdvisor awards nor does it provide compensation to employees for participating.