September 16, 2020
Client Experience and Advisor Focus Lead Focus Growth
A decade after becoming CEO, Adam Birenbaum is still finding new ways to grow $50bn Focus Partners. He has spent the last few years transforming the firm into one of the biggest repositories of RIA talent in the country through acquisitions and recruiting. He recently sat down to talk the “golden age of RIA growth.”
“A lot of this is about being that recognized destination for like-minded folks and just meeting advisors where they are,” Birenbaum says. “We have built out all of these capabilities because we have to be able to serve advisors and clients in critically important ways.”
These efforts have served the firm well. From an M&A standpoint, Focus is providing solutions for firms looking to sell or feeling industry pressure to do so. The acquisition of Loring Ward was a transformative moment for Focus, giving the firm access to advisors who were philosophically aligned but didn’t necessarily want to become employees.
Firm growth has attracted top talent in associates and wealth advisors that do want to join the team. The deep bench of experience and creativity among associates and industry leaders provides a preeminent client experience.
Focus, as it stands now, may be a firm capable of doing a little bit of everything. Its TAMP arm works with several hundred independent RIAs, while its in-house operation works with nonprofits and retirement plans in addition to its core client base of multi-generational families with between $1m and $10m in assets.
And Adam isn’t slowing down yet!
Read the full article here.
Read on CityWire RIA.
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