February 08, 2021
From Intern to CEO
Focus CEO Adam Birenbaum hadn’t envisioned a future in the financial services industry. He planned on being a sports agent, working with legends in the making. While in law school he took an unpaid summer internship at Focus, and the rest is history.
The passion and “smarts” of the team at Focus, along with the vision of the firm, inspired Adam and ignited an interest in the field. He signed-on as a full-time employee and rose through the ranks to CEO. During Adam’s tenure he, and the larger Focus team, have grown Focus Partners and Focus Strategic Partners, collectively Focus Partners, collective assets to more than $50B.
Adam recently sat down with Louis Diamond of the Diamond Consultants podcast. They talked about the history of Focus, the relationship the firm has with Focus Financial Partners, and how Adam believes their M&A activities provide a much broader value to the firm beyond inorganic growth.
Listen in to the podcast now!